Rebecca Will Interview Your Best Thinkers

You want a key thought leader — a company leader, client, industry leader, and/or innovative individual contributor — to share his/her thinking about your company, industry trends, best practices, or philosophies. However, this brilliant person can sometimes get off topic, go into the weeds, or isn’t an engaging presenter.


How do you have be their best when sharing their wisdom with a key audience? Have Rebecca interview them instead. She’ll meet with you and the thought leader to determine the best topics to share with your audience. She’ll practice with him/her to pull out the most relevant answers and stories, but not so much that it sounds stilted. She’ll create a clear road map for the thought leader to shine and share ideas of high value to the audience.

The interviews can be live during an event (virtual or in-person), or pre-recorded, and can be used on your marketing efforts and/or social media.

Rebecca has been interviewing thought leaders for 25 times a year for over 20 years. She’s a master at making the thought leader feel comfortable and look good, guiding the conversation to bring out their best ideas.