Enhance engagement
Increase resourcefulness
Strengthen communication
Your managers struggle to keep your key talent engaged and wanting to excel.
Staff comes to managers to solve problems they could resolve themselves.
Communication breakdowns have increased as your key staff leave and your people don’t have the skills to step up.
Resolve these issues by creating stronger social (interpersonal) communication.
Your 3-Step Plan to Create Engaged & Effective Managers
Together we identify how your managers need to perform or think differently. Then we craft an implementation plan with measures.
Rebecca provides high-impact learning experiences focusing on critical skills, coupled with participant and manager accountability.
We measure results. Then we celebrate! We make refinements and repeat with new groups, if desired.
Schedule your free consultation today
Rebecca can help
Could you benefit from partnering with an expert on how managers can create high-performing teams? And who has used the best practices with her own teams?
As a long-time Silicon Valley resident, Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC, CVP, VMP*, has witnessed, studied, and researched the great leadership & management practices of the region’s highest performing companies.
That’s what one of Rebecca’s latest books, Leadership Lessons from Silicon Valley, is all about. In it, she shares Google’s research on how psychological safety is key for their highest performing teams. Her work focuses on how to bring this to the evolving workplace, including hybrid and remote teams. She includes examples from other Silicon Valley companies, like Apple, Facebook, LinkedIn, Airbnb, Intel, Pixar, PayPal, SurveyMonkey, Microsoft as well as others from around the world.
Rebecca speaks, trains and consults with organizations around the globe. She has authored 28 books — two have sold more than 250,000 each and have been translated into 9 languages.
* CSP = Certified Speaking Professional
CMC = Certified Management Consultant
CVP = Certified Virtual Presenter
VMP = Virtual Master Presenter