Grow Your Key Talent Blog

Certified Virtual Presenter

Certified Virtual Presenter

For years, I’ve loved traveling globally giving keynotes and training to clients. Now that we are unable to do that, I’m delighted to announce that I’ve passed the test for the Certified Virtual Presenter designation. The certification assesses competency in...

Ego Is a Renewable Resource

Ego is often thought of as a negative, as in "He has a big ego." But the dictionary defines it as "a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance." We value healthy self-esteem. Sometimes we are afraid to try something new, concerned that we'll fail and our ego...

Reassessing During Your “Recessment”

I made up the word "recessment" to express my feelings -- and perhaps yours -- during this time of self-isolation, assuming you and your loved ones are well and practicing safe behaviors, and you aren't an essential worker working outside the house. (Granted,...

Lessons Learned from Doing Stand-Up Comedy

In August, I decided I wanted to add more humor to my content-rich presentations. I can be funny among friends, but I was having trouble finding humor for my keynotes and trainings. I researched nearby stand-up comedy classes starting around Oct. 1. However, my friend...